June was a month of experimentation and reworking pieces both pre-pandemic and within our lockdown/ isolation time period which is ongoing for who knows how long?
I can’t imagine my life without producing or sharing my art especially at this time as at this time as the virus is affecting everyone’s mental health.
Always a strong person prior to this, there were days where I feel unwell due to three auto immune illnesses, thus making me less strong and more vulnerable. Lately I’ve had moments of slight anxiety, loneliness, and depression which I’ve never felt before. Despite my feelings, every day to pull through and I have gently reminded myself to take one day at a time. Thankfully, an amazing support system online and friends and family calling and texting, helped pull me through (along with the art). I know we are all in this together. I am not alone.
I hosted a few interviews this month with artist friends, Lori Ferguson, Diamond Doug Keith and Reymond Page. These three videos can all be found on my Instagram account @jordanlmillerartist. Last month I interviewed Michael Joyal, however, it didn’t save on my account unfortunately, however he was a great person to interview as well. People really enjoyed these interviews and I may do more in the future on the gallery page to help promote the artists I represent at @cre8ery.
If you didn’t read my last blog (see this), in short, I applied for a grant through the Manitoba Arts Council to create social media content about my art practice and connect with other artist and people online. I also decided to stop purchasing art supplies as I have so many materials in my studio as well as canvases I’ve started and I haven’t finished. I enjoy collecting supplies but realistically, this is the time to use them up and also clean up my studio to make space for new works. Surprisingly, during the months of May and June I didn’t run out of supplies and I likely have enough to last me at least another few months and if I am really careful perhaps until next year–although 6 months may be a stretch.
In the month of June I discovered, through trying, that I can use clear gesso over alcohol inks and then use pencil crayon, ink, and paint over top. I have done this with paintings and drawings in the past — just on acrylics, not alcohol inks. The two works I began in this way will be completed this summer and will be available for purchase in my show in October at Fleet Gallery.
I believe the video speaks louder than my words. All clips were created in June as Instagram “stories” about my process. A glimpse of me in my studio almost every day (some clips were excluded due to length!). If you missed the May video you can view it here.
I am forever grateful for those who are supportive of my health and well being-calling and checking in and those who are able to purchase art, supporting my art career. This is what I do for a living and I am proudly a Winnipeg Arts Professional. I am also endlessly thankful to the Manitoba Arts Council for funding this project. I’ve enjoyed learning how to create videos for social media and put myself “out there” a little more.
If you would like to leave me a comment please do so below. I would also love to hear how you are doing at this time. If you need a friend, please know I am here.
Thanks for watching, reading, and for tuning in.